Collective security treaty organization (CSTO) and migration regulation’s issies
CSTO, international migration, Central Asia, cooperation,Abstract
Migration issues remain quite sensitive aspect of the relationship of independent states coexistence in the Central Asian region for more than 20 years. Volumes of migration processes on the post-Soviet space increases with the positive dynamics with a slight decline in the most critical periods. Countries of the Central Asian region, for which labor migration has become a major trend, are active and regular participants of migration exchange. This fact makes necessary to coordinate the migration not only at national but also at the regional level with the participation of regional and international organizations. Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is one of the organizations operating in the region which activity has migration issues as one of the priority. This equally applies to the problems of illegal migration in the Central Asian region, which is important in the context of security and labor migration, which is a special importance for the stable and sustainable development of the region.References
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How to Cite
Balaubaeva B. М., & Delovarova, L. F. (2016). Collective security treaty organization (CSTO) and migration regulation’s issies. International Relations and International Law Journal, 67(3). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy