Strategy of interests of the European Union and Russia in the context of international conflicts (Factor Balkan and Ukrainian crisis)


  • М. Sh. Gubaidullina
  • I. Т. Kenesh
        71 45


EU – Russia, geopolitics and strategy interests, Balkan and Ukrainian factors, safety,


Cooperation between the EU and Russia for the last two decades endured many take-off and falling, is characterized by an acute crisis now. The bilateral partnership was influenced by a set of the problems which arose after collapse of the USSR. The European Union counted that in Russia in the shortest possible time the effective democracy will be constructed, the law and order is entered, stability will set in. Russia from interaction with the EU expected an economic miracle and finding of a worthy place in Big Europe. In article foreign policy interests and strategy of rapprochement of the EU and the Russian Federation against crisis processes on the Balkans which after the end of a bipolar era remain one of not quite stable European regions are considered, and in the history this region received reputation of «a powder keg of Europe». The modern conflict which arose in Ukraine seriously influences on policy of relationship between the EU and Russia, and in general with other countries. There is open a question which is on the agenda the international relations: whether will be able to continue both countries strategic European- Russian partnership and to cope with sharp intensity in the bilateral relations?


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How to Cite

Gubaidullina М. S., & Kenesh I. Т. (2016). Strategy of interests of the European Union and Russia in the context of international conflicts (Factor Balkan and Ukrainian crisis). International Relations and International Law Journal, 67(3). Retrieved from