Ensuring regional military-political security in the SCO: 2006-2013 period


  • Y. Akhmetov
        56 31


combating of terrorism, military and political security, regional security, Shanghai Cooperation Organization,


The author based on a comprehensive review and analysis of one of the main stages of the creation, establishment and operation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which begins in July 2006 to the present, making their content generalize the findings in the military-political sphere of the organization to the present time. Also on the basis of existing approaches organization analyzes the status and prospects for the adoption of its membership as new members / members of other states of Eurasia. The author in this regard is invited to some international legal options to address the selected issue. Reflection of the results achieved with the indispensable basis of scientific and expert opinions of scientists and experts from different fields of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Akhmetov, Y. (2016). Ensuring regional military-political security in the SCO: 2006-2013 period. International Relations and International Law Journal, 67(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/571