ASEAN Regional Forum on security and prospects for its development in the context of Kazakhstan’s position on integration


  • Zh. М. Amanzholov
  • Е. B. Akhmetov
        232 42


Asia-Pacific region, the ASEAN Regional Forum on security, regional security, South-East Asia,


As part of this article is of interest to analyze the military-political aspect in the activities of the ASEAN Regional Forum on the example of security in the context of its prospects for expansion with the participation of Kazakhstan. Until the early 90s. XX century hand in the «agenda» of the organization have been expressed very weakly, as Member States of the emphasis in mutual business cooperation on economic cooperation. Consequently, as the end result coordinating role of the Association in the fight against international terrorism, non-proliferation of WMD and internal armed conflicts is at a fairly modest level, and specific achievements in this regard is rather the creation of a moral and political community of Southeast Asian countries to promote the concept of neutrality, better known as ZOPFAN. But at the same time in 1991 in the framework of post-ministerial conferences have gradually address the issues purely military-political concerns of all parties and, accordingly, influence the state of security in the Asia-Pacific region.


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