Cross-border rivers issue in Central Asia: history and the current situation


  • S. S. Asanov
  • Т. A. Ormysheva
        254 84


Central Asia, water problems, water supply, water use, cross-border rivers,


The problem of water supply and sharing of water resources of the cross-border rivers is very important for Central Asia. Interdependence in joint water use is characterized by a large number of participants, uneven distribution of water resources, and inefficient use of them. Article deals with a current situation of water problem in the region; authors consider the major factors interfering cooperation in rational use of water in Central Asia; note contradictions in interests of the countries in the region as one of the main problems in joint water use; make an analysis of the current situation in joint use of transborder rivers resources and prove need of joint solution by adjustment of a dialogue in this sphere.


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How to Cite

Asanov, S. S., & Ormysheva Т. A. (2016). Cross-border rivers issue in Central Asia: history and the current situation. International Relations and International Law Journal, 67(3). Retrieved from