The importance of using interactive methods


  • G. Ahmetalieva
        60 208


methods of teaching, joint group work, collaboration, interactive ways, advantageous, common decisions, own point of view,


This article deals with a brief review of interactive methods of teaching. Using interactive methods in teaching foreign languages is one of the priorities of higher education system which is widely discussed nowadays. According to the credit system of education students have the advantage to work individually in pairs, in group which encourages them to consolidation and collaboration.
During their joint work (task) students are involved into interactive training of skills: listening, speaking, sharing their opinions, organizing group – discussions to come to a single point of view and to a single decision.  Classes discuss certain topics in team (all students are involved) trying hard to make a great contribution to attain joint activities.


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How to Cite

Ahmetalieva, G. (2016). The importance of using interactive methods. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from