Legal status of advocacyby the French and the Kazakhstan legislation
advocate, the legal status, the qualified legal aid, the license for occupation by advocacy activity, the right for protection, Bar, EFB, CRFPA, CAPA, National council, chamber of lawyers, the decree,Abstract
In the present article is considered legal status of advocacy by the Kazakhstan and French legislation. Also the achievements of the Kazakhstan and French legislation in questions of regulation of institute of legal profession have noted. Features of a standard regulation of activity of lawyers have analysed in comparative aspect. The special emphasis on work paid to the analysis of requirements produced to applicants for class of lawyer activity. Similarities and distinctions in questions of a regulation of vocational training of lawyers in the French Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan have noted. In article has given the detailed analysis of postgraduate training of future French lawyers, activity of schools of professional education of Bars and the regional centers of professional education have studied. The special emphasis paid to problems of raising the level of France's lawyers. The analysis of the legislation of France and Kazakhstan concerning observance by lawyers of norms of professional ethics has given. Need of the accounting of the French experience in questions of observance of norms about lawyer secret has noted. Besides, practical recommendations about improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of regulation of institute of legal profession have made.
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