The peculiarities of the preparation and conduction of administrative reform


  • М. S. Dosymbekova
  • Қ. Д. Ермекбаева
        55 29


scientific and organizational issues, reform, modernization, administrative reform,


Abstract The author considers the main scientific and organizational issues related to the preparation and conduct of administrative reform. The author explores the scientific work and the conclusions of some academic specialists, politicians and government officials that the notion of "reform" and "modernization" interchangeably. However, she believes that "reform" and "modernization" -a different concept and highlights the differences. In order to modernizem the administrative reform, the author defines the basic principles of training and administrative reform. The experience and timing of administrative reforms in the countries of the world, focusing on the Russian experience of administrative reform, which consistently identified its goals and objectives. Author on the basis of analysis of great theoretical and practical material makes recommendations for improvements


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How to Cite

Dosymbekova М. S., & Ермекбаева, Қ. Д. (2016). The peculiarities of the preparation and conduction of administrative reform. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from