Responsibility for human trafficking in international law and national legislation of foreign countries


  • К. N. Shakirov
  • M. M. Zhalniyazova
        82 62


human trafficking, exploitation, recruitment, sale, transportation, human commodity,


International trafficking by organized criminal groups demands taking targeted measures and providing counter and association common forces of global community, law enforcement bodies of the state. In the article the author reveals the concept of human trafficking, considering the ratio of Kazakhstani, of foreign countries and international legal standards to combat human trafficking. The author focuses on such international agreements in the field of combating trafficking in human beings, as the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime of 15 November 2000, which reveals the concept of "human trafficking", the UN Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others of 1949, as well, and The Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.


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How to Cite

Shakirov К. N., & Zhalniyazova, M. M. (2016). Responsibility for human trafficking in international law and national legislation of foreign countries. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from