The role and importanceof advisoryopinions of the InternationalCourt of Justice


  • Z. B. Konussova
  • S. J. Aidarbayev
        81 35


advisory opinion, the role of value, regulation, classification procedure, the legal consequences of the agreement,


This article describes the basic concepts of the role and importance of advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice. The article describes the main problems of international legal regulation, as well as procedural issues, in which the activity takes place on the Court for an advisory opinion.
The paper analyzes in detail the rights of organizations and states as to how they should request an advisory opinion of the Court on certain issues, as well as the legal consequences of an advisory opinion. The author concludes that the role and importance of advisory opinions presented significant in light of the fact that they give the requesting authorities correct interpretation of many international legal issues that come from the International Court of Justice.


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How to Cite

Konussova, Z. B., & Aidarbayev, S. J. (2016). The role and importanceof advisoryopinions of the InternationalCourt of Justice. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from