Someinternational legal aspectsof the ideaof sustainable developmentof the world
sustainable development, contemporaryenvironmental problems, social and economic developmentin the XXI century, the human right totransparent anddemocratic institutionsand governance,Abstract
This articledevoted to the topicalinternational legal aspectsof the ideaof sustainable developmentof the world. There isa certain contradictionin theRussian-language versionof translating the term«sustainable development». Currently, this idea wasthe recognitionand approval ofmost States. Ithas a huge impacton international relations, becomesa universal principleof world development. The authorsidentified the mainstages in the developmentof this idea(1972, 1982, 1987, 1992, 2002, 2012)asthe general characteristics ofthe international legal obligationsof states anddecisions ofinternational organizations. An important conclusion ofthe analysis ofvoluminous documents- a clearconnection between the solutionof environmental problems, and freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights,and the establishmentat all levelsof effective, transparent, accountableanddemocratic institutionsand governance.
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