Competition issues in the implementation of global brands and the system of industrial espionage


  • Р. С. Каналиева
  • M. Болатхан
        85 31


industrial espionage, international relations, new technologies, markets, competition,


Industrial espionage and competition issues in the modern world are becoming more ambitious shapes, thereby affecting all spheres of human activity. Create all things, ideas and services subject to fierce competition, as far as the relationship of competition and economic policies can affect international relations. Competition – inherent in commodity production struggle between entrepreneurs in the market for more favorable conditions of production and marketing of products for getting the highest profit. Research competitiveness of goods and services – one of the main links of research in the market economy, which allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the products and services offered. In this regard, relevant today is the creation of a coherent system of economic intelligence on the markets, competitors, partners, contractors, new technologies, legislation, etc., and in addition – the knowledge used in the business of ways to search, access, use of information and also used type of deception and fraud. The fierce competition for markets and products, the scope of application of capital and the pursuit of maximum profits forced executives of major corporations to closely monitor the activities of their competitors. It may be used as economic intelligence and industrial espionage.


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How to Cite

Каналиева, Р. С., & Болатхан M. (2016). Competition issues in the implementation of global brands and the system of industrial espionage. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from