The issue of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan


  • А. А. Daurenbekova
  • А. Darkenbaev
        358 94


right, mass-media, freedom of speech, journalist, dissemination of information, information, law,


In this article were considered the issue of freedom of expression in the media field in Kazakhstan. The author discusses the importance of legal instruments on freedom of thought and freedom of speech, made at an international level. Particular attention is paid to the reasons closing some of the media. The author also says that the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the right to freedom of expression and creativity and the right to freely receive and impart information, but nevertheless, the media and journalists are persecuted as a result of the publication of his thoughts and opinions in print, on television and radio. And also talks about the importance of making changes to the Civil Code, the Law on Mass Media, the Law on the distribution of television programs, the Law on the Internet, in order to comply with the principles of the OSCE by Kazakhstan.


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