Political crisis in 2010-2011 in Egypt: short analysis


  • А. Alipbayev
  • B. Buyzheeva
        59 46


policy, Islam, Arab, conflict, opposition, revolution, party,


In this article it is considered the main reasons for political crisis of 2010-2011 in Egypt. As Parliamentary elections in November, 2010 showed that to wait for free and fair elections wasn't expected as mass violations, deception and violence as a result led to almost full monopoly of ruling party. In article also it is described protests against authoritative board, low standards of life in January, 2011 and as during working strikes the police which worked by order of the president, applied cruel measures.
In summary it is briefly analyzed requirements, interests and positions of participants of the conflict. We will mention in the conclusion and some more factors, without presence of some of which the Egyptian revolution could not happen.


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How to Cite

Alipbayev А., & Buyzheeva, B. (2016). Political crisis in 2010-2011 in Egypt: short analysis. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/509