Status and prospects of the ANZUS activity in the modern international legal context of the Asia-Pacific military-political security


  • Y. Akhmetov
        129 96         129 167


Asia-Pacific region, ANZUS, nuclear free zone, military and political security, Treaty of Rarotonga,


In this article, based on a comprehensive review and analysis of all the major stages of creation, formation and functioning of the ANZUS to generalize their findings in the content of military-political organization's activities to date. We consider the role of the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty(Treaty of Rarotonga) general international legal context of the military-political arm of the ANZUS. It focuses on the prospects for its operation in relation to the positions of the two Member States ANZUS – Australia and the U.S., which is opposed to the official approach of another member state associations – New Zealand. Also, the author addresses the issues relating to the identification of serious problems, do not contribute to the further development of the integration model of military-political aspects of regional security.


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How to Cite

Akhmetov, Y. (2016). Status and prospects of the ANZUS activity in the modern international legal context of the Asia-Pacific military-political security. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from