To a question on some aspects of the legal qualification of «internationalized» armed conflicts
law of armed conflict, «internationalized» armed conflicts, «mixed» conflicts,Abstract
Third party intervention in international conflicts is an integral feature of local armed conflicts in the period from the second half of the twentieth century to the present day. Pursuing a policy of "proxy wars", world powers to interfere in the internal armed conflict, thereby internationalizing them. This situation does not allow to remain in the legal dichotomy offered by the Geneva Conventions on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949. Since their adoption, the nature of armed conflict has greatly changed. The doctrine of international law have been providing new kinds of armed conflicts as "cross-border", "asymmetric", "mixed", "internationalized", etc. This article reviews some of the circumstances that alter the nature of the armed conflict and to allow us to speak about a new kind of conflict – " internationalized " armed conflict. In this regard, the article provides an analysis of the factual circumstances that lead to the internationalization of the internal armed conflict. Based on the analysis of these circumstances are derived criteria according to which occurring internal armed conflict ceases to be purely internal, but at the same time does not reach the level that allows us to speak about the international armed conflict.References
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How to Cite
Kozhin y. А., & Amanzholov Z. М. (2016). To a question on some aspects of the legal qualification of «internationalized» armed conflicts. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy