Some results of realization of regional Strategy of EU for Central Asia (2007-2013)


  • M. Sh. Gubaidullina
        54 32


The EU Strategy for Central Asia, the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), Dialogue initiative, Political and Economic Dialogue,


EU Strategy, which was adopted in June 2007, laid the foundations, directions and mechanisms of the European Union with the region as a whole and with individual Central Asian states. 2013 was the final period of the EU Strategy for Central Asia (2007-2013), It is officially called «The European Union and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership». 2013 is also notable for the fact that it is possible to draw some conclusions a 20-year period of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union. Starting point is the date of the establishment of diplomatic relations February 2, 1993. The European Union already has approved experience in the CA software, tools implementation, form the EU’s progress in the region. At the same time passed way we make sense of cooperation with a view to the future, a more fruitful cooperation.


1 More on the way to the Strategy and its results, see the monograph – Chebotarev A.Ye., Gubaydullina M.SH. Strategiya
Yevropeyskogo Soyuza v TSA na 2007-2013 gg.: predvaritel’nyye itogi. – Almaty, 2013. – 184 s.
2 The EU’ s Relations with the Newly Independent States of Central Asia. Commission Communication. – Bruxelles,
3 Frenz A. The European Commission’s Tacis Programme. 1991 – 2006. A Success Story. – Online: <
europeaid/where/neighbourhood/ regional-cooperation/enpi-east/documents/annual_ programmes/tacis_success_story_ fi nal_
en.pdf>. – Р. 4-5.
4 Relations de L’Union Europeenne avec les Nouveaux Etats Independants D’Asie Centrale, 1995 // European
Commission. Press Release database (IP/95/586). – Brussels, 09.06.1995. – Online <
5 EU Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia. European Council. Brussels, 21–22 June 2007; The Regional
Strategy Paper for Assistance to Central Asia (2007-2013). European Community, 2007. – 61 p. // <
relations/central_asia/rsp/07_13_en.pdf>, accessed 30.03.2007
6 Doklad Komissii o Strategii v Tsentral’noy Azii 2002-2006 // Sayt Predstavitel’stva Yevrokomissii v Respublike
Kyrgyzstan: <>
7 Europa möchte mehr Einfl uss in Zentralasien // Süddeutsche Zeitung (München). – 2007, 2. Juli
8 EU Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia. European Council. Brussels, 21–22 June 2007 // Ofi tsial’nyy sayt
Yevropeyskoy Komissii v СA: Strategy.pdf); http:// partnership_ centralasia_de.pdf. – С. 4.
9 Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner to visit Kazakhstan 19/20 October 2006 // European Commission. Press releases
database (IP/06/1420). - Brussels, 18 Oct. 2006. – Online (Archiv): <
10 Tazhin M.M. 15-letiye ustanovleniya diplomaticheskikh otnosheniy mezhdu Kazakhstanom i Yevropeyskim Soyuzom
// Yezhenedel’nik «New Europe» (Bel’giya). – 2008, 5 fevralya. – Online: <


