The role of the IT-technologies in international relations


  • А. А. Akatayeva
  • D. Shamish
        193 372


Information technologies, international relations, information space, information security,


It is made an attempt to explain and analyze the content of the institutional approach to the international relations study of IT-technologies in the paper. The authors compare some theory-based approaches of the transformations of international relations within the information era, as well as practical issues. Information technologyin international relationsincludemany componentsconcepts.These are: information society, information space, information and communicationtechnology, information security, information warfare, information pressure and other. Paper pursuestwo tasks:                                                   First, consider the impact of newinformation technologies oncontemporary international relations(includingthe changing role ofthe statein international relations anda change in theforms of internationalconflict). Second, we needto realizeclearlywhat changesthe new informationtechnologies areinthe process ofstudyof international relations.


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How to Cite

Akatayeva А. А., & Shamish, D. (2016). The role of the IT-technologies in international relations. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from