The role of European youth forum in realisation of European Union youth policy


  • B. Akzharova
  • К. Makasheva
  • S. Chuakayeva
        65 40


youth movements, the European Union, the European Youth Forum, NGO,


In the modern system of international relations, non-state actors become more important. Among them a special role played by international non-governmental organizations, to which we can also refer youth movements. Over the past few decades we can see a clear trend of increasing interest of the "young" leaders to participate in the social and political life of the states, and enhance the implementation of the so-called youth policy by governments. Today we can certainly note existing of a real good potential of international youth organizations in assisting States to achieve their goals and objectives. Special place and value non- movement acquired in the European Union, where the leaders of the youth international movements actively participate in various government and advisory departments and ministries, and in created sectoral committees and groups of experts


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How to Cite

Akzharova, B., Makasheva К., & Chuakayeva, S. (2016). The role of European youth forum in realisation of European Union youth policy. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from