Legal aspects of introduction of information systems in activity of customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • М. S. Dosymbekova
  • Т. А. Toktybekov
        25 17


information system, customs authorities, electronic customs, corruption, cultural values,


In article questions of introduction of information systems in activity of customs authorities are considered, the scientific and organizational problems connected with efficiency of registration of customs documents by numerous participants of foreign economic activity, introduction of new information systems, creating certain conditions for decrease in risk of corruption at customs are studied. The special attention is paid to the reasons of slow introduction of new information technologies in activity of customs authorities which concerned not all its structural divisions. The emphasis that today informatization practically avoided movement process, to be exact – export through frontier of Kazakhstan of cultural values is placed. It is a gap not only process of informatization of customs service, but also a gap in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Authors on the basis of the analysis of big theoretical and practical material make recommendations about their improvement.


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