Formation of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and World Trade Organization


  • K. N. Shakirov
  • B. Amandossuly
        356 101


WTO - World Trade Organization, the Republic of Kazakhstan, membership, benefits and threats,


In this article, international experience and national features of Kazakhstan’s accession to the World Trade
Organization are considered from the various legal positions, a comprehensive analysis is made. Also the official readiness of Kazakhstan to comply with all obligations under the Agreement of the World Trade Organization is revealed. Considering and analyzing opinions of Kazakh economists applied to various fields, author offers his point of view. In particular, special attention is paid to forecasts related to agricultural industry. Kazakhstan is trying to investigate the problems impeding entry into the World Trade Organization comprehensively, reaching a positive solution by negotiation. In this regard, based on the rules of the free market and limited discrimination author argues that Kazakhstan’s participation in international trade opens up new prospects for the state.


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