UNESCO and Kazakhstan: cooperation horizons


  • С. С. Чукаева
        87 92


UNESCO, Kazakhstan, cultural cooperation,


This article explores the new geo-economic and cultural realities related to the evolving activities of international organizations in the Asia-Pacific region using the case study of Kazakhstan - UNESCO cooperation. Today UNESCO is at a crossroads primarily driven by inadequate funding of organization. At the same time, Kazakhstan is possessing strong political ambitions and transforming its status from an international aid recipient to a donor country may considerably contribute to the improvement of UNESCO’s financial situation and the advancement of its agenda in the Central Asian region, in international cultural cooperation of the region as well as foreign and cultural policies of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Чукаева, С. С. (2016). UNESCO and Kazakhstan: cooperation horizons. International Relations and International Law Journal, 65(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/461