Cooperation of the states in the sphere of protection of human rights in the conditions of integration process


  • S. N. Sabikenov
        38 45


integration process, cooperation of States, protection of human rights abroad, international legal science,


This article discusses the problems of cooperation in the field of the protection of human rights in the integration process. Analyzing the different points of view on the concept of integration of states, the author argues that the integration of states – is the norm of international legal cooperation interacting entities on an equal footing, taking decisions on a consensus basis, and as the relationship and interaction between states, pursuing the goal of meeting the agreed common needs and interests. At the present stage of development of international cooperation of the states of communication is carried out in a variety of areas, including in the field of protection of the rights and interests of citizens abroad. Protect the rights of citizens living abroad, must implement and carries through their respective state bodies and officials.


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