The development of competences


  • G. Ahmetalieva
  • Z. А. Аbdullina С.Ж. Асфендияров атындағы Қазақ ұлттық медицина университеті. Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
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competence, communicative competence, knowledge, skills, language development, skills and competence,


The article discusses the implementation of the competence-based approach in high school. Authors, revealing the concept of «competence», «competency» and «competencies» approach, based on the analysis of literature, gives a comparative description of features of the competence of education and traditional education. Here the main task is to orient the action of learning the Kazakh language in Russian-speaking audience in the course of implementation in terms of expertise. Competence – visible results as a student action.
Now the main goal of the teacher is correct ispolvovat vazmozhno information in order rahvitiya own education, including the environment. At the same time, it takes into account the ability and the development of communicative competence of students. Also in this article, stating that dogtors-students need to develop spoken language in the Kazakh. Now information tehnology is very strong influengeon getting gyality knowledge.


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How to Cite

Ahmetalieva, G., & Аbdullina Z. А. (2016). The development of competences. International Relations and International Law Journal, 73(1). Retrieved from