Technical and professional education as a factor in the development of the labor market in Kazakhstan


  • S. А. Kaliyeva
  • А. А. Maltabarov
        158 32


labor market, vocational training, industrial and innovative development, unemployment, employment,


In this article, the authors analyzed the indicators characterizing the development of technical and professional education in Kazakhstan. The assessment of interaction of educational institutions and enterprises in the context of employment of graduates of TPE is given. The work is aimed at mainstreaming issues of interaction of the labor market, employment of graduates of TPE, as well as improve the quality of training mode, strengthening the professional relevance of acquired knowledge. The analysis of a condition of the unemployed population on age and on education level is carried out. Studied the priorities of the State Program for Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 years. Measures for further development of system of TPE and training of the qualified specialists necessary for ensuring requirements of labor market of Kazakhstan within SP IID are substantiated. Factors of increase of level of competitiveness and intellectualization of social activities of Kazakhstan are defined


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