World production of organic products: problems and prospects


  • R. Е. Elemesov
  • S. S. Mirzalieva Казахско-Американский университет, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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organic product, standards, ecological production, international trade, organic farming,


In world practice the production and sale of organic products is very popular. These products are produced mostly in North America and Europe. In developing countries, despite the great potential of organic land, sales are growing slowly. More often increased consumer demand for organic products is due to the desire to be healthy, caring about the environment and the desire to provide themselves with safe food. A key issue in the development of organic production is to comply with manufacturing standards and product certification, as well as government support. In Kazakhstan, the production of organic products industry is at an early stage of development. President of our country signed the Law «On organic production.» There are a number of problems in the development of production and export of such products: the absence of certification systems, regulation, labeling system.


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