Cultural diplomacy of the Russian Federation
cultural diplomacy, Russian Federation, foreign policy, diplomatic service,Abstract
Of particular importance in the realization of the geopolitical and geo-economic interests of the country have connections in the field of science and education. They have become an increasingly important and effective tool of foreign policy. These relationships form the basis of cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy is a special sphere of diplomatic activity related to the introduction of culture as the object and means of the fundamental objectives of the foreign policy of the country. In connection with cardinal changes in the world the relevance of studying cultural diplomacy in recent times is increasing steadily. Strategic partner of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation for the realization of national interests is the emphasis on the promotion of cultural diplomacy. The article analyzes the conceptual foundations of cultural diplomacy, the aims, key directions, the driving forces of cultural diplomacy.References
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How to Cite
Tleuova, N., & Turkeeva, S. M. (2016). Cultural diplomacy of the Russian Federation. International Relations and International Law Journal, 73(1). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy