Mongolia in today’s world politics


  • L. Т. Issova
  • Zh. Nasikhat
        75 22


the market economy, the concept of national security, multilateral policy, non-alignment in unions, foreign policy stance, the third neighbor, military force,


This paper analyzes the current policy of Mongolia, reveals the main directions of foreign policy, the essence of the concept of national security and considers foreign policy documents. Today, Mongolia is trying to pursue a policy of equilibrium, without giving preference to any one side. Singling the aim of the development of relations with influential countries in the region and in the world, the country is trying not to depend on any country. In case of nonoccurrence of external military threat to Mongolia, adheres not to align to any military organization, to prevent the use of airspace and territory against any country, seeks not to bring troops into the territory and crossing through transit the border. The article concludes that Mongolia, adopting a policy of «open» society, conducts a multi-vector foreign policy, finding a balance between the forces of the surrounding political environment for more efficient functioning of a sovereign state.


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