Eurasianism as a path to internal stability and international peace


  • К. N. Makasheva
        55 26


Eurasian idea, Eurasianism, East-West Dialogue, tolerance, uniqueness,


Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan was the engine of the Eurasian integration. Implementation of the Eurasian idea contributes to the establishment of reliable communications of geopolitical neighbors in Eurasia. Now Eurasian perspective includes not only the CIS countries, but also the interaction of Europe and Asia as a whole. It is a question of the need for good-neighborly and confidence relations on the entire Eurasian continent, as a result, Kazakhstan will not be in the background of world events. On the contrary, being the center of Eurasia, Kazakhstan will play the role of economic and cultural link between the three rapidly growing regions – China, Russia and the Muslim world. The total evolution of Eurasianism as the intellectual trends of the twentieth century is not narrowing, but is expanding the range in space and content of Eurasian perspective. «The idea of Eurasianism is not identified with any single country, it focuses on the unity and integrity which would not suppress or assimilate unique people, but rather, feed them variety», – said Kazakh scientist T.S. Sadykov.


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