Introduction to economic global studies: food problem


  • R. Elemesov
  • А. О. Ongdash
        30 18


food problem, food security, food crisis, hunger, malnutrition, factors of food problem, factors of food security, land fund, farmlands, arable lands,


The global food problem is considered from a position of opportunities of providing the world population with the sufficient and balanced nutrition, and food security as «right» of access for each person to food at any time as physically, also and economically. For ensuring global food security are necessary not only resources and technologies, but also international cooperation, development of the global market of foodstuff, rational use of products of agricultural industry on a global scale.On security with the food, the available resources and prospects of development of agricultural industry Kazakhstan treats as one of the safe countries of the modern world. Development of agriculture sector of Kazakhstan is a priority in strategy of economic development that indicating the strengthening of food safety policy, and aspiration to take a noticeable place in the international market of the food.


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