The tendency of the development of international law in regulating the issue of international legal personality of individuals


  • L. B. Nyssanbekova
  • S. Zh. Aidarbayev
        93 33


individual, legal personality, subjects, international law, human rights,


Along with the development of international law, rights and responsibilities of an individual expand so increases his role in the international arena. Consequently, it brings a distinctive interest to a problem regarding determination of international legal personality in international law, which still remains as on of the most disputable in the fields of international legal studies. Most likely, the strengthening of the role of an individual, who became one of the participants of international relations and subjects of international law, is related to the integration process mediating the activity of its subjects. However, this actual for a few past centuries question had a tendency to change and evolve according to political views of the state and doctrinal approach to the issue. Additionally, it should be noted that the growth of cooperation in the field of human rights, both at the universal and regional levels, lead to an increase of rights granted to the individual by various international agreements. The presence of rights and obligations of an individual by virtue of international law, their protection in international judicial and non-judicial bodies as well as the ability to be responsible for the violation of the principles and norms of the international law, is determined by international and domestic regulations.


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