The constitutional regulation of foreign policy powers of Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the French Republic: Comparative Legal Analysis


  • К. Н. Шакиров
        35 33


Kazakhstan, France, the United States, the constitution, the power, the president, a foreign policy, the authorities, the defence, the security of the state, an international treaty, the diplomacy, the government,


The article presents a comparative analysis of the foreign policy powers of Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the French Republic, which are the subject of constitutional regulation of the two countries. In this regard, the author dwells on the authority of the heads of state in the formation of foreign policy, in the right to represent the country in the international arena, in negotiating and concluding international agreements, which are enshrined in the Constitution of the two countries. In the article the so-called «force» authority to ensure the defence capability and security of the state were considered in a comparative perspective. It is noted that an «indicator» of positions of heads of state in foreign policy is also the right to appoint ambassadors and other plenipotentiaries of the state abroad, the powers of accreditation foreign diplomatic representatives, establishing diplomatic relations with other states, as well as other authorities.


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