New trends of the EU migration policy


  • G. А. Movkebayeva
        126 45


immigration, migration, European Union, refugees, migration policy,


The importance of migration in the socio-economic and political processes on the example of the European Union is considered on this article. The subject of the research is the immigration policy of the European Union in new geopolitical environment, especially in the circumstances of Syrian crisis. Comprehensive analysis of the basic treaties and secondary legislation of the EU describes the process of formation and characteristics of migration policy of the European Union. Nowadays EU is the centre of attraction for lots of refugees. To control illegal migration streams, EU uses different migration policy instruments targeted towards short and middle-range objectives and development policy oriented on addressing root causes of migration from developing countries.


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How to Cite

Movkebayeva G. А. (2016). New trends of the EU migration policy. International Relations and International Law Journal, 72(4). Retrieved from