Ecological policies in Italy


  • Е. Chukubaev
  • R. Alipkyzy
        689 188


Italy, ecology, government, Big Eight, north-east of the country,


Author, evaluating the environmental situation of Italy took into account 25 parameters. These include: fumes, congestion, quality of construction. According to the survey the most ecological area is the north-east of the country. The lack of proper organization of protection of nature leads to the further destruction of forests, unsustainable use of land for construction, reducing the area of national parks, the destruction of forest fauna. As a result of depopulation of mountain villages in the abandoned lands located mostly on steep slopes increases soil erosion and the risk of landslides and floods. But in recent years, the situation began to gradually change for the better. Italy – the only country in the Group of Eight, which refused to build nuclear power plants. The government, concerned about the environmental situation in the country has taken decisive action to improve it.


1 «The short story about Italy», http :// storia, 10 November 2014.
2 Stepanenko V. S. Legal basis for the environmental policy of the European Union: the goals, principles and actions. – M.:Publishing House of the NIA-Nature, REFIA, 2004. 123 pp.
3 Andrea Gentili « Italian Presidency: Priorities, Insights and Best Wishes», 16 June 2014, http://www.europeanpublicaffairs.
eu/. 9 April 2015 | by Frank Markovic
4 Emiliano Alessandri, Nicole Koenig and Marco Siddi «Priorities and Challenges of the 2014 Italian EU Presidency». Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome, Italy (2014), 34-38.
5 The ecological problem of Italy,
6 Abrogato dal D. L.vo 4 agosto 1999 n. 351 (G.U. del 13.10.1999, n. 241).
7 Decreto Legislativo 7 marzo 2008, n. 50: Norme di attuazione dello Statuto speciale della regione autonoma Valle d’Aosta/Vallee d’Aoste in materia di dighe. (GUn. 81 del 5-4-2008)


How to Cite

Chukubaev Е., & Alipkyzy, R. (2016). Ecological policies in Italy. International Relations and International Law Journal, 72(4). Retrieved from