The geopolitical aspect of the information war
information, post-industrial society, information society, media, information war, geopolitics,Abstract
The urgency is due to the increasing role of information in the postindustrial world, along the geographical space is formed of information, the traditional actors of world politics are geopolitical confrontation in the new cyberspace. Information structure at the present stage are generators of new ideas, of ideological cultural stereotypes, the information has become a new weapon. In this regard, important is the analysis of the geopolitical aspects of the information war. In the scientific article reveals the concept of information war, covers the basic background of how the concept of information warfare. Examines the impact of information protivostoyanie geopolitical actors in the international system and the geopolitical structure of the world. Analyzes the main stages of the evolution of the concept of information warfare since the early 90-ies of XX century to the present. Basic directions of theoretical researches in this area and the nature of their transformation.References
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How to Cite
Bayzhumakyzy, Z. (2016). The geopolitical aspect of the information war. International Relations and International Law Journal, 72(4). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy