History of investment relations between Kazakhstan and the countries of the Vishegrad Four (2000-2010)


  • М. S. Sarybaev
        27 21


Kazakhstan, Vyshegrad Four, investition, foreign policy, economic cooperation,


How we know in the period of economic growth in the mid-2000s, Kazakhstan has actively started its investment activities in foreign markets and had big plans in the European direction. But the crisis in 2008 introduced its own changes, so at the moment our country is actively attracting foreign investment. The article is devoted to the relationship between Kazakhstan and countries of Vishegrad Four in the field of investment relations. The author makes an analysis of the investment climate in Kazakhstan in the 2000s. Also reviewed issues of attracting investments from abroad and investment cooperation with countries such as Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Vishegrad Four countries are currently members of the EU, therefore, these countries are our transit corridor in the European market.


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