Teaching translation at high school


  • G. А. Karipbayeva
        42 31


professional, knowledge, demand, relations, translation, conclusion, method, training, contest,


Demand in highly qualified translators has grown immensely for the last few decades. Requirements to professional qualifications and competences of translators have changed similarly.Now translators are expected to ensure effective interlanguage communication in every sphere of industry and produce authentic written translations of specialized English texts of various difficulty levels. In this connection the concept of teaching translation in higher education institutions has changed. In order to teach translation effectively educators started developing new teaching methodologies, which can meet the demand in highly-qualified translators. Still contemporary education science does not provide a thorough study of this topic. There are many textbooks on translation techniques and translation theory, but few books on methodology of teaching translation. Moreover, some scholars dispute on the content and sustainability of those few existing methods for teaching translation.


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