Issues on National Flag etiquette of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Constitution, thestate, stateflag, statearm, anthem, etiquette, normative legal act, diplomatic protocol,Abstract
The article considers questions of the etiquette of the National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a symbol and distinctive sign of the Republic of Kazakhstan representing its national sovereignty and originality;gives interpretation of elements of the National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of Vexillologyand the Heraldic Science; analyzes provisions of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan that define the legal status of the National Flag, including the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Protocol of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12 October 2006, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan» dated 04 June 2007, and Rules of Placement of the National Flag, NationalEmblem and their Images and the Text of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02 October 2007, and compares them with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the USA; and finally, draws a comparison between the State etiquette of the National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the international etiquette of flags. The article can be useful for readers interested in diplomatic protocol matters.References
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7 Jemili Post Jetiket / pod red. L. Jelizabet; post. per. s angl. jazyka M.M. Gurvica. – M.: Nauka, 1996. – 615 s. – S. 62.
How to Cite
Mahanova К. А. (2016). Issues on National Flag etiquette of the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Relations and International Law Journal, 71(3). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy