Precarisation of employment in the context of globalization and the world practice in solving precarization of employment


  • S. А. Kaliyeva
  • І. М. Sadykov
        156 44


Precarization of employment, International Labour Organisation, globalization, labor market,


In this article, reviewed problems as precarization of employment, the reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon and its methods of regulation. Also presented the role of the International Labour Organisation in the decision of problems of precarization of employment. With the globalization of the world economy, appeared the new concepts as the international division of labor, international capital movements, international competitiveness and the free movement of goods. Globalization of the world economy also carries a negative aspects as international migration of labor and precarisation of employment. Labor is the part of our society,as the fact economic development, macroeconomic stability, human development is closely related to labor and employment. It is necessary to ensure a safe and permanent labor every citizen of the world.


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How to Cite

Kaliyeva S. А., & Sadykov І. М. (2016). Precarisation of employment in the context of globalization and the world practice in solving precarization of employment. International Relations and International Law Journal, 71(3). Retrieved from