The analysis of the theory and practice of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan’s economy
Industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan’s economy, cluster, industrial park,Abstract
One of the new conceptual approaches to innovative development of Kazakhstan’s industry is clustering, where connectivity power, science, education and business realized most fully. The purpose of innovation development of Kazakhstan’s industry is to create clusters in all industries. The indicator of synergies from the introduction of the cluster organization of industrial production is possible to estimate the nature of the changes in the economic and environmental leadership of industrial clusters to include in this index data on leadership in innovation in the social sphere, in the field of renovation and in the market position of the association. It means, the author proposed to assess the synergistic effect of creating of industrial clusters based on point scoring changes that are present, or at least, should be present in the activities of the cluster associations and indicate their efficiency in terms of synergies.References
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How to Cite
Ongdash А. О., & Ongdashuly Е. (2016). The analysis of the theory and practice of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan’s economy. International Relations and International Law Journal, 71(3). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy