Russia-Venezuela cooperation and its specifics


  • К. N. Makasheva
  • Zh K. Idrysheva
        23 19


Russian Federation, Latin America, Venezuela, Hugo Chavez,


Venezuela takes specific place and has great influence not only in Latin America but in Western hemisphere at whole. Political and economic cooperation between Russia and Venezuela had revived after Hugo Chavez took power in Venezuela. Being a country with vast oil resources Venezuela among all Latin American countries has become a major energy resources exporter to U.S. and Canada. During Hugo Chavez’s adminstration Venezuela expressed its positive attitude towards increase of Russian political, diplomatic, economic and military activity in Latin America and supported growth of Russian influence in Western hemisphere. Russia was considered as a key element of existing and future multipolar world. Nowadays Russia has moved away from ideological principles and pays greater attention to trade and economic factors in development of cooperation with coutries of Latin America. The article studies political, economic and military aspects of bilateral cooperation.


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