International and domestic legal aspects of confiscation of illegally obtained funds


  • М. М. Baizhanov
  • Y. N. Bainazarova
        58 36


international relations, international law, illegally obtained funds, bribery, punishment, confiscation, in rem,


The article deals with the problem of the confiscation of illegally obtained funds and property. Discloses the concept of confiscation and analyzed the main types. Also analyzed the international and national legal regulation of confiscation. In the article on the example of some countries reviews the basic features of the confiscation of funds and property. Particular attention is devoted to the confiscation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and proposed measures for improve this institution in the country.


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How to Cite

Baizhanov М. М., & Bainazarova, Y. N. (2016). International and domestic legal aspects of confiscation of illegally obtained funds. International Relations and International Law Journal, 71(3). Retrieved from