The UN Convention on the prevention of the crime of genocide and punishment of 1948: the main stages of development and adoption within the organs of the world organization


  • А. К. Adibayeva
        171 71


The UN Convention, genocide, protection and human rights,


This article discusses the planned process of development, discussion, adoption and introduction into the legal effect of the 1948 Convention on the prevention of the crime of genocide and punishment is completed. Additionally, the author notes the importance that the international community in the face of States members and States non – members of the UN came to the unanimous opinion in the understanding of the composition of the genocide and the recognition of it as a serious, heinous crimes, pursued by international law. And also, fundamentally important in this case is that the «genocide» was finally formed as a legal category in the Convention, therefore, reaffirms the objective necessity of combating and application of relevant criminal law sanctions in the context of the formation and further development of a universal system of jurisdiction.


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