Territorial disputes of Japan as a destabilizing element of international relations in the Far East


  • A. Kulbaeva
        35 33


territorial disputes, Japanese-South-Korean relations, interkorean dialog, Tokesima/ Tokto, “The Tokesima’s day”, project and search department on territory and sovereign affairs


The article is devoted to territorial disputes between Japan and Republic of Korea. The history of the question and condition of the problem on today are traced by the author. On the base of the stated facts author makes a conclusion about non stability of international relations in the region, that are subjected to tests on durability not only with the actions of nationalist adjusted activists, but also with sharp steps of the ruling circles of participant-countries of the disputes. Nether the less, the author is inclined to think, that the escalation of intensity in the region because of territorial disputes of Japan with it’s neighbors wouldn’t transformed into a full-scale military conflict, but would have an inertly current character with the periods of aggravation and calm, that, undoubtedly would reflect on general level of the regional security.


1 Е. Pogrebnyak. EshcherasoterritorialnykhsporakhYaponiicKitaemiKoreey.//pognord.kloop.kg; V. Kistanov. OstrovarazdoraTokio
s sosedyami.// Nezavisimayagazeta. 14.04.2013.
2 http://zeroempty000.blogspot.com/2006/07/takeshimadokdo-scap.html, http://www.dokdocorea.com/map_img/map_map00b.jpg
3 Kim Yong-koo What Is the Controversy Over Dokdo All About?//Koreana, Autumn, 2005, Vol. 19, № 3. http://koreana.kf.or.kr/
4 V. Sukovizyn. VostokAzii v sporakhzaneftirybu.//ru.journal-neo.com
5 А. Ivanov. Uzhnokoreysko-yaponskieotnosheniyacherezprizmuterritorialnykhraznoglasiyvokrugostrovaTokto. //www.rauk.ru
6 V. Kozhevnikov. TerritorialnyesporyvVostochnoyAziiiputiikhresheniya.//deita.ru/analytics/v-mire_13.03.2008
8 О. Kir’yanov. Pismootpravyatnazad.//www.rg.ru/2012/08/22/pismo-site.html
9 О. Kir’yanov. YaponiyaplaniruetvvestisankziiprotivYuzhnoyKorei.//www.rg.ru/2012/08/22/ostrova-site
10 О. Kir’yanov. YuzhnayaKoreyagotovitsyakobostreniyuotnosheniycYaponiey. //www.rg.ru/2012/12/29/otnosheniya-site-anons.html
11 По поводу написания названия гряды существуют принципиальные споры. При использовании заглавной буквы «Ю» подразумевается, что речь идет об отдельном географическом образовании, а не о части Курильских островов. Исходя из
политического подтекста, предлагается аргументация, в соответствии с которой Шикотан и Хабомаи– часть системы острова Хоккайдо, а понятие Курильские острова не включает в себя «особую географическую единицу» – Южные Курилы – Кунашир
и Итуруп. Подробнее в статье V. Kozhevnikov.Ukaz.soch.
12 А. Ivanov.Yaponiyasozdalastrukturupoterritorialnymsporam.//www.mgimo.ru/news/experts/document235203.phtml
13 Tokioob’yavilinformazoinnuyuvoynuzaostrova.//rus.ruvr.ru/ 2013 _02_08/
14 Yaponiya, KitayiYuzhnayaKoreyanarashchivauitprotivistoyanie.//paruskg. info
15 Gregory Clark.Flexibility key to resolving Japan’s territorial disputes.//«The Japan Times». 13.03.2013. japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2013/03/13
16 V. Kistanov. Ukaz. soch.
17 Е. Pogrebnyak. Ukaz. soch
