The view and proposal of China to the world order


  • Н. Mukhametkhanuly
        32 27


humanity world, countries, world order, Westphalia system, Charter of UN, 5 principles of diplomacy, new order


As we know humanity world consists of multiple countries, which has been connected with invisible mutual relations. Because of difference in countries characteristics such us big-small, strong-weak, it describes various types of relations. Every country has a right to survive in an equal terms. However, according to history and international relations we can mention that it goes in not equal way. China describes in XVII century this factor as “the Treaties of Westphalia” which means the direction for Christian civilization countries. The world order is not justice, it can be seen in the international relations based on Charter of UN from 1945 consists 9 principles for sovereign countries. China proposed new world order, 5 principles of diplomacy in politics, culture and security.


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