Foreign policy initiatives of N. Nazarbayev in the light of decade


  • K. N. Shakirov
        129 34


the UN, OSCE, OIC, Kazakhstan, N. Nazarbayev, foreign policy, security.


The development of the RK in the condition of proclaimed Independence revealed the powerful peacemaking potential of the country which hasn’t been gained by any country of the world and is not still achieved. Thanks to the efforts in the sphere of foreign policy activities of President of the RK N.Nazarbayev and his administration, the world community has witnessed the voluntarily denouncement of nuclear armaments of the country, and stabilization of the situation in the sphere of disarmament and prevention of potential conflicts among countries at the regional and international arenas. It was N.Nazarbayev who made a speech in 1992 at the UN General Assembly proclaiming firmly peaceful position of Kazakhstan, as a leader of the independent state. Since that time the peacemaking position of our country is being continued, and has become the core challenge of the foreign policy of the country. More details are given in the author’s enclosed material.


1 Выступление Президента Республики Казахстан Нурсултана Назарбаева на 47-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций (Нью-Йорк, 5 октября 1992 г.) //
2 В центре внимания – Афганистан. Выступление Н. Назарбаева на 3-й Министерской конференции стран-участниц Стамбульского процесса // Казахстанская правда от 27 апреля 2013 г. № 149-150.
