Water resources problems concerning the relations of China and Kazakhstan


  • М. Omarova
        37 170


the Transfrontal rivers, Kazakhstan, China, problem of water resources, bilateral collaboration, economic relations


The article is sanctified to the problem of the transfrontal rivers between Kazakhstan and China. The present state of problem of water resources, list of the measures sent to the decision of this question, difficulty and obstacle, is considered on the way of decision of problem of the transfrontal rivers. Strategic importance of the transfrontal rivers is also marked for Kazakhstan and China, the estimation of economic efficiency is given for parties, to the ecological consequences of the inefficient use of the rivers and other aspects of problem. The analysis of documents is conducted in decision of question of the transfrontal rivers signed during the mutual visits of heads of the states and leaders of departments and ministries of Kazakhstan and China. And also in the article cooperation of parties and job of group of experts performances are considered on the rational use of the transfrontal rivers.


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