What are the possible effects of Russia’s new foreign policy concept on relationships with Central Asian states?


  • О. N. Shkapiak
        39 35


The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, Central Asia, CIS, Russian Federation, region


In February 2013 the new Russian foreign policy concept was approved. This document defines the main directions of the long term traits of the Russian foreign policy. This is the fourth doctrinal document of the Russian foreign policy which was adopted after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the second that adopted during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. The new concept is based on previous versions in 2000 and 2008 in many respects, but at the same time transformed in some very noticeable ways because of the changed international situation, in particular this applies to the relations with the United States. Moreover much attention recently has focused on the relations with the CIS countries which are defined as a priority in Russia’s foreign policy. Central Asian countries are also in Russia’s interests. The author tries to reveal possible changes in the relationship between Russia and Central Asian countries, according to a new foreign policy doctrine.


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