Security Strategies of Kazakhstan in Central Asia


  • Zh. B. Momynkulov
  • B. М. Balaubaeva
        170 92


security, strategy, Kazakhstan, Kazakhs, Central Asia, stability, region, peace, dialogue


Stability of Central Asia is often considered as an object for external geopolitical forces in the frame of their regional strategies. But, the domestic factors are used to be ignored as usual. Stability and security of Kazakhstan is based on peaceful worldview and historical experience of Kazakh people. Kazakhstan is considered by the all nations as stable, open, tolerant and peaceful people because of profound conception of security and search for flexible balance by the Kazakhs. Kazakhstan`s security strategies in CA gain more importance. Stability in Kazakhstan is mainly reached on the account of flexibility of Kazakh people. Central Asia is no more ideological vacuum. Local dynamics gain momentum and are on the focus. Kazakhstani people are the most peaceful, cosmopolitan and modern-thinking nation in the region. Kazakhstan is the most silent and stable state in CA. Kazakhstan is the most caring about the security and stability of the region. Security strategies of Kazakhstan must be based on Kazakh-style security concepts and notions. In the near future, role of Kazakhstan as a stabilizer-country will only strengthen. But, the stability of CA states needs more cooperation and interaction between them.


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How to Cite

Momynkulov, Z. B., & Balaubaeva B. М. (2016). Security Strategies of Kazakhstan in Central Asia. International Relations and International Law Journal, 63(3-4). Retrieved from