foreign affairs, Ba'ath regim, Iran, European UnionAbstract
The events of September 11 led to the formation of ideas of some researchers about the inclusion of the system of international relations to the new stage. However, the review of the main methods of behavior of the major players showed that the new phase began 10 years before those events. The article examines the relationship between Iran and the European Union on the basis of current research, taking into account the existing realities.
1. Об этом см.: President discusses Medicare. Iraq, Iran and
the Middele East // The white House, June 18, 2003; The Wite
House, June 25, 2003
2. Thomas L. Friedman: shakinq up the Neiqhbours // NY
Time, Auq 6, 2003
3. Anton la Gardia. UK seer EU Ultimatum on Iran arms //
Teleqraph, 18.16/2003
4. AFP, Juli 22, 2003
5. Douqlas Franty, Iran closes in on ability to build Nucliar
Bomb // The Los Angeles Time, Auqust 4, 2003
6. German News (English edition), 16.06.2003
7. Сагафи Амери Насер. Дурнама-йе сольх ва амниййат
дар Асийа // Рахбург. – 1381. -№ 25.
8. Timothy Garton Ash, How the wist can be One // The
New York Time Magazine. April 27, 2003;
9. Fraser Cameron. The Future of the Common Foreing
and Security policy // The Brown Journal of World Affairs. –
2003, Winter/spring; Афрасийаби Каве и Малеки Аббас. İran’s
foreiqn policy affer 11 september // The Bronn Journal of World
Affairs, 2003, Winter/sprinq
10. Fraser Cameron. The Future of the Common Foreing
and Security policy // The Brown Journal of World Affairs. –
2003, Winter/spring
11. William Pfaff, IHT, July 21, 2003
12. Сариольгалям Махмуд. Underfanding Iran: Geffi ng
past stereo lyprs and Mifhology // The Washinqton Quarterly,
2003,Autumu, Р. 264
13. Сагали Амери Насер. Иран ва джангяфйарха-йе
энхедами-йе Анбух // Рахбург, 1382. – № 27. – Р. 71
the Middele East // The white House, June 18, 2003; The Wite
House, June 25, 2003
2. Thomas L. Friedman: shakinq up the Neiqhbours // NY
Time, Auq 6, 2003
3. Anton la Gardia. UK seer EU Ultimatum on Iran arms //
Teleqraph, 18.16/2003
4. AFP, Juli 22, 2003
5. Douqlas Franty, Iran closes in on ability to build Nucliar
Bomb // The Los Angeles Time, Auqust 4, 2003
6. German News (English edition), 16.06.2003
7. Сагафи Амери Насер. Дурнама-йе сольх ва амниййат
дар Асийа // Рахбург. – 1381. -№ 25.
8. Timothy Garton Ash, How the wist can be One // The
New York Time Magazine. April 27, 2003;
9. Fraser Cameron. The Future of the Common Foreing
and Security policy // The Brown Journal of World Affairs. –
2003, Winter/spring; Афрасийаби Каве и Малеки Аббас. İran’s
foreiqn policy affer 11 september // The Bronn Journal of World
Affairs, 2003, Winter/sprinq
10. Fraser Cameron. The Future of the Common Foreing
and Security policy // The Brown Journal of World Affairs. –
2003, Winter/spring
11. William Pfaff, IHT, July 21, 2003
12. Сариольгалям Махмуд. Underfanding Iran: Geffi ng
past stereo lyprs and Mifhology // The Washinqton Quarterly,
2003,Autumu, Р. 264
13. Сагали Амери Насер. Иран ва джангяфйарха-йе
энхедами-йе Анбух // Рахбург, 1382. – № 27. – Р. 71
How to Cite
Гаджолу, М. Г. (2016). POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN IRAN AND EUROPEAN UNION: STRATEGIC SPHERES. International Relations and International Law Journal, 55(5). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/178
International relations and foreign policy